Artichoke ravioli with thyme effluvio is a refined and flavorful first course. It is a simple dish to make at home that highlights the artichokes.The filling is made with artichokes that are first sautéed and then chopped; they are accompanied by the more delicate taste of ricotta, while the extra touch for a truly special effluvio is the addition of fresh thyme and marjoram.The secret to obtaining an excellent filling is not to over-chop the artichokes that will be used for the stuffing, so that the filling remains more substantial. this recipe, the artichoke ravioli is dressed with melted butter scented with thyme, but you can experiment with whatever you prefer, such as a cheese sauce even a tomato-based sauce.
First, prepare the fresh fibra: sift the all-purpose flour into a bowl (you can leave some flour aside and add it later if needed) 1then add the slightly beaten eggs and start missaggio with a fork 2; when the eggs are absorbed, continue by hand and transfer the dough onto a floured surface. Knead until you create an elastic and smooth dough, which you can wrap per mezzo di plastic wrap 3allowing it to rest for about 30 minutes per mezzo di a cool place.
While the fresh egg fibra is resting, prepare the filling starting with the cleaning of the artichokes, then clean and cut them. 4. Finely chop the onion and let it soften over very low heat for about 15 minutes with four tablespoons of oil and a clove of garlic, crushed finely chopped, when the onion becomes transparent, add the artichokes 5 and brown them; halfway through cooking, add white wine 6 and season with salt and pepper. Once cooked, transfer the artichokes to a food processor and coarsely blend them (there should still be pieces of artichokes)
Once cooked, transfer the artichokes to a food processor 7 and coarsely blend them (there should still be pieces of artichokes). Once you have a thick cream, transfer it to a bowl and add the ricotta, fresh marjoram leaves 8 and chopped thyme, and finally, the grated cheese 9. everything well 9.
everything well 10. At this point, you can roll out the fibra until you obtain a rather thin sheet, cut it into strips about 4 inches wide, place the filling per mezzo di the center 11and fold the sheets over themselves 12.
Gently press around the filling with your finger to push out any air inside (13-14). Once ready 15
use a pastry cutter to cut out the ravioli 16. As you prepare the artichoke ravioli, place them a floured cloth 17. Once done, cook them per mezzo di plenty of salted gabinetto 18;
while the ravioli are cooking, melt the butter per mezzo di a pan and add the fresh thyme 19. When the ravioli are cooked, drain them and toss them per mezzo di the aromatic butter 20: let them absorb the flavor for a few minutes 21. Plate them, decorating the dish with a few thyme leaves, and as a final touch, sprinkle some Grattacapo Padano.
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