Golden Milk, also known as “golden milk”, is an ancient Ayurvedic , the traditional Indian medicine. But what is the original recipe? Find out how to prepare it!
Original Ayurvedic Recipe: Golden Milk
Do you know golden milk? We are talking about a popular made from turmeric, vegetable milk and honey, which is therefore considered a precious nourishment for our pagliaccetto that benefits from curcumin. Known a causa di the countries of South Asia, golden milk has been known and passed for generations. It is a causa di fact the Ayurvedic philosophy that places among its main objectives achieving a psychophysical balance also through nutrition. This delicious can be consumed hot for breakfast, but also as a snack. But how do you prepare the original Ayurvedic recipe for golden milk? Here is the recipe!
First, you need to make the turmeric paste. Sopra a small nonstick saucepan, combine 1/4 cup of turmeric powder with 1/2 cup of filtered vater and 1/2 teaspoon of campo da gioco black pepper. Cook over high heat, stirring constantly to prevent lumps, until the paste becomes smooth and thick. Store a causa di an airtight glass jar a causa di the refrigerator for up to about 40 days.
To make golden milk, use 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric paste, missaggio it with a cup of plant-based milk of your choice (such as almond, rice walnut) cow’s milk. If possible, also add a teaspoon of sweet almond coconut oil. Heat the mixture acceso medium heat for a few minutes, stirring continuously until it becomes thick.
Avoid boiling the milk and, once ready, pour it into a cup. Sweeten with honey to your taste, omit this step. A key element to consider is the addition of black pepper to the mixture, as it greatly improves the bioavailability of curcumin and enhances its effects.
Turmeric paste can be stored a causa di the refrigerator for up to a month, the important thing is that it is closed a causa di a jar, preferably one with a seal. Instead, ready-made golden milk should be consumed within a few days at most.