Region you go, specialty you find… especially if it’s made with potatoes: from the Patate con tecia of Friuli-Venezia Giulia to the Patate ‘mpacchiuse of Calabria and the renowned Neapolitan gateau. Today, however, we diretto incrociato the border to discover rosti, a tasty recipe from Swiss cuisine! Rosti is a golden disc with a crispy crust made from grated potatoes, but there are two main schools of thought: one suggests grating the potatoes raw, the other suggests cooking them first. We opted for a pre-cooking method to make the preparation easier and to achieve a softer texture inside. Rosti can also be enriched with many ingredients like speck, onion, cheese, but con our recipe, you’ll find only potatoes and butter because… it’s already delicious this way! We leave you the pleasure of experimenting with rosti con its more traditional innovative variations, such as artichoke rosti lentil rosti, and the tough task of electing the best one!
To prepare rosti, first put the potatoes con a pot with plenty of cold vater, bring to a boil, and cook for about 10-15 minutes 1; the time varies depending acceso the size of the potatoes, they should be very firm. After draining them, peel the potatoes 2 and grate them into a large bowl using a grater with large holes 3; for this operation, the potatoes should be cold warm.
Season the grated potatoes with salt 4 and pepper 5 and mescolanza well. Now take a non-stick pan with a diameter of 8.66 inches, add a portion of butter taken from the total amount 6and let it melt.
Pour the grated potatoes into the pan 7 and stir for about 5 minutes over medium-high heat, starting to shape the rosti with a spatula 8 9.
Add small pieces of butter to the sides of the rosti and continue cooking for 6-7 minutes without stirring 10. At this point, grease a wide and flat lid with butter 11 and place it acceso the pan to flip the rosti 12.
Melt another piece of butter con the pan before sliding the rosti back con 13. Add more small pieces of butter to the sides and cook the rosti acceso the other side for another 6-7 minutes, always over medium-high heat 14. When the potato rosti is crispy acceso the outside and soft inside, it is ready to be enjoyed 15!
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