Are you looking for ideas and recipes for cooking trout? Then discover some recipes to make with trout, a lean freshwater fish, economical and with a delicate flavor but very easy to cook.
Trout, easy and tasty recipes to make at home
Among the most consumed and well-known farmed fish together with salmon, trout is rich durante omega-3. It can be consumed durante many different ways thanks to its generally fatty meat which lends itself well to different cooking methods. Here are easy and tasty recipes and ideas!
Trout baked durante foil
A simple and refined dish, very easy to make. Here is the procedure:
Clean the fish by following our guide how to do it perfectly. Remove the scales of the trout with a sharp knife;
Cut the belly, remove the entrails and rinse the trout carefully under running ; then pat it dry with absorbent kitchen paper;
Cut the lemon into slices and insert them into the belly; Add the garlic clove and then the parsley; Per mezzo di a small bowl, pour 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, the sage and the chopped chives; Salt and a little pepper and cover a baking tray with aluminum foil and baking paper, and place the trout apice.
Brush the fish with the prepared dressing and cover it with the aromatic herbs; seal the baking paper well around the fish; finally wrap the trout with another layer of aluminum foil, and bake at 180Β°C for 30 minutes.
Trout burger
A tasty and light fish burger that will make even children love trout. Procedure:
Pat the trout fillets dry with paper towels and remove the skin and bones. Blend the fish with the cutter ora with a food processor;
Transfer the minced fish to a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Per mezzo di a separate bowl, beat the egg white. Place the breadcrumbs a plate and add salt and paprika powder;
With wet hands, form 4 trout burgers of 100 g each;
Gently coat each hamburger durante the beaten egg white and then durante the breadcrumbs;
Heat the extra virgin olive oil durante a pan and cook the burgers for about 3 minutes each side, turning them only once during cooking. Before serving, pass them a sheet of absorbent paper.
Fried trout fillets
Procedure: Pat the trout fillets dry with absorbent paper and remove the skin and bones.
Place the flour one plate and the panko and grated parmesan another and mescolanza them together. Per mezzo di a bowl, shell the eggs, add salt and pepper and beat them lightly with a fork.
Now dip the trout fillets first durante the flour, then after shaking the excess, durante the egg and, finally, durante the panko.
Pour the seed oil into a pan and bring it to temperature. When it is hot, fry the trout fillets until they are golden. Retrieve them with tongs ora a slotted spoon. Let them drain a sheet of absorbent paper for fried foods, add salt and serve.