That Lucca is a particularly interesting and lively gastronomic destination, thanks to a city scenario that knows well to juggle tradition and avant -garde, ending ending and informal proposals, there is risposta negativa doubt (so much so that we had included it among the destinations which to focolaio sopra our cover story a couple of years punzone, sopra excellent company).
But the Tuscan location surrounded by the suggestive wall circle dating back to the time between five and seventeenth century, famous for the events dedicated to music and fumetti as well as for its historical-artistic heritage, is of course also an excellent point of observation of the wine wine culture of the region. And if the productive side is currently sopra turmoil, sopra the city – and sopra the immediate surroundings – there is risposta negativa shortage of more than reliable addresses for drinking well, between Mesmita and bottles, regional labels and the rest of the world. We tell you three addresses not to be missed, between certainties and news.
Santa , new opening a stone’s throw from Fortezza dell’Arena
It is called Santa – with typically Tuscan irreverent tone – the most recent Lucchese opening dedicated to wine, which offers fans a safe and welcoming port for informal evenings sopra the name of good drinking. Obtained sopra a couple of rooms (plus a graceful dehors) adjacent to the at the Court of Angels, it was born precisely from the desire of the hotelier and entrepreneur Pietro Bonino to create a space dedicated to conviviality, and sopra particular a winer with a messenger addressed to an audience not only youth. To do this, he called two trusted members and collaborators: Mirela Dumitrascu, former of the , who gradually welcomes guests, and Fabio Pracchia, journalist and wine expert who also collaborated with Food & Wine Italia as well as with numerous other heads and sector guides. The latter is to follow the selection of bottles up close, also proposed for buonsenso by takeaway during the opening hours of the room (every day except Monday, from 17 to 22), with an interesting offer also sopra Cantina.
Thanks to the rather clear vision of Pracchia, here the focolaio is not so geographical as it is linked to artisan production, giving preference to small companies that pay attention to a certain type of wine growing and that tell a productive chain linked by the vineyard, with an eye to the Lucchesia: “This is a particularly interesting period for our hills”, Pracchia told us. «I think, for example, of the Biodynamic Lucca circuit of which we have many labels. And also the customers who alla maniera di from abroad prefer to bevanda Lucchese ora Tuscan “. Despite being primarily a winery, and not a real caffè, Santa also has a more than valid gastronomic proposal to accompany the glasses, which ranges from local tradition to that of Italian winemakers: from exquisite anchovies to to Tuscan ham (ora that of Carpegna), passing through the creamed cod and the delicious lucchese soup with black cabbage and beans. The frecciata: “You don’t book but bevanda well”.
Santa Strada degli Angeli, 17lucca
Mescita Vanni, the history of wine sopra Lucca
A few steps from the spectacular facade of the church of San Michele sopra Traforo, and overlooking the Fortezza del Salvatore, Vanni is the essential name for wine lovers sopra Lucca. Founded sopra 1965 by the parents of the current owner, Paolo Petroni, was born with the experience of the activity of the paternal family behind him, already from the post -war period. Con his independent feat, baptized with the surname of his wife, Petroni’s father started to focolaio both the bulk and the traguardo bottles, making a large plus of this small room overlooking the square: an underground space of about 300 square meters, used as a cellar already from antiquity, which guarantees ideal humidity and temperature to host an enological treasure composed today of about 50 thousand bottles.
“We are particularly proud of our” historian “, with vintages of many bottles old”, explains Petroni, at work here for 27 years, also joined by the competence the distillate of Leonardo Calò. «We focolaio mainly Italian production, with attention primarily sopra Tuscany and Piedmont: we also have almost unobtainable labels, difficult to obtain from the producers, such as those of Mascarello. For some years, however, we have also offered a large selection of French wines, from Bordeaux to Burgundy passing through the bubbles. And we are direct importers, exclusively, of Champagne Maison such as Delot, Cremant of Borgona and Riesling Germans ». A primis as an wine shop for the buonsenso of bottles is , the lower floor Vanni also has spaces where courses and guided tastings for 17 years now ends. While three years punzone the sign was joined by the pantry of the wine shop, adjacent room where you can sit – even sopra a pretty outdoor space – to calmly sip some good glass ora bottle accompanied by selections of salami and cheeses and hot caffè dishes.
Mescita Vanni Fortezza del Salvatore, 7lucca
Wine and , a short trip “Outside Bastione”
Since 2007, the sign created by Giovanni Monacci and his wife Giuseppina just outside the center of Lucca (and since 2012 at the largest office sopra Guamo, a hamlet of Capannori) is a reference for fans of good drinking. Since 2022, after Giovanni’s disappearance, Mrs. Giuseppina – excellent cook – was flanked by his nephew Matteo, with the support of his brother Filippo and the sommelier and wine specialist Andrea Bartolini.
Here you alla maniera di a lot for lunch – with a paper lista, every day except Sunday which is the closing day – as for drinking beautiful bottles, accompanied by an interesting selection of gastronomic products from the counter, sought with passion and curiosity without limiting yourself to regional borders. The cellar includes about 5000 references, between personalità names and small niche realities, of which an important part is represented by champagne (with about 400 labels) and Tuscan wines. Also remarkable the distilled sector, ranging from the different types of rum to whiskey and research grappas. The new generation to driving has also given impulse to private tastings and evenings dedicated to the culture of wine and gastronomy, maintaining the family and convivial environment that makes this place a “home” for many.
Wine and co -“of coasti 4/6capannori (lu)