The rete of enology, even even to say, is to help the manufacturer to obtain the best possible wine, enhancing all the qualities of the grapes from which it originates. Succeeding depends acceso the per -depth knowledge of wine, its components and the transformation processes to which it can be subjected. The more wine science advances, the more its notions are applied rationally.
The oenologist Andrea Moser is well aware of this and, with calmness and humility, differs from those who tend to still believe that quality is independent of technology, underestimating the role of human intervention. His approach, which we have already had the opportunity to tell, is based acceso a dynamic and conscious enology, adapted to the different wines for which he pays advice throughout Italy. From Trentino-Nobile Adige (De Vescovi Ulzbach) to Sicily (Sofi), from Veneto (Vetta Cimo) to Liguria (Bruna), from Tuscany (Terre per Beba) to Abruzzo ( del Prore) to Sardinia (Etzo): different cellars, but united by a vision and shared values, the same acceso which Amproject is founded, his company.
A new project: Komb (W) Ine
the occasion of the second vintage of its temporary Wines – Fly (Pinot Immacolato) and Run (Pinot Da lutto) 2023, available acceso the market since the end of April and just landed per the eclectic Tapasotto by Giancarlo Perbellini and Federico Zonta (one of the coolest restaurants per Verona) – Moser presented an innovative and revolutionary ideale: Komb (W) Ine. It is a totally anzi che no alcohol project, born per collaboration with Ettore Ravizza, founder of Legend Kombucha.
“The need for the high catering to build increasingly intriguing combinations for the tasting menus and to create pairing that go beyond the canonical food-vine to be associated with a growing and necessary desire for a more well-kept diet have pushed us to imagine a new way to wine and conceived something that, starting from the varietal must it could be a valid alternative for everyone”. The two entrepreneurs explain to us, continuing the reasons with enthusiasm: «The fermented drinks are truly transversal; They are loved by those who are a row, by those who do not cannot by choice for health, but also, thanks to their ensence postazione, to those looking for a new way to wine ».
A wine, sustainable and natural alternative
The aromatic nectar born from this experimentation is fully inserted into the wine chain, recovering the grape must not used by the cellars. The process provides for the combination of tea, vater and must, to which is added the Scoby, a consortium of yeasts and bacteria that acts acceso two fronts: it ferments the sugars and, at the same time, eliminates alcohol naturally. The result? A that enhances the starting grapes without adding sugars, with an alcoholic rate of less than 0.5%, obtained through a spontaneous process and low energy impact.
Despite the scarce diffusion of alternative production and conservation techniques per the wine world, Andrea Moser continues his path with the same conviction, inspired by an old saying of the Safe: “Quality is a state of mind, the will and concern continues to do the best”. If progress passes through knowledge and if the good wines – and per this case also the wings – refine the taste of consumers, oenology today has a fundamental task: to make products better known to make them even more appreciable.