If you have cooked too much chicken and therefore have leftovers, don’t despair! You can make many fantastic and tasty dishes with leftover chicken. Here’s how to use them per mezzo di new recipes, so as not to waste them.
Chicken leftovers: how to use them with new recipes
What’s worse than finding leftovers of already cooked chicken per mezzo di the fridge and not knowing how to reuse them? Especially at this time, when attention to food waste is maximum, it is good to learn not to throw anything away and to reuse everything. Then discover new recipes to use them!
Chicken salad with chili peppers, onion and olives!
Very easy to prepare with leftover chicken to which you add boiled eggs, fresh spinach, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and then a few onion rings and two three olives. Season with extra virgin olive oil, a little lemon juice per mezzo di which you have dissolved a teaspoon of mustard, salt and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Mescolanza well and the chicken, chili and onion salad is ready.
Chicken crema
Another recipe with chicken leftovers is chicken crema for croutons, especially ideal if the leftover chicken is just under a portion. Place the leftover chicken per mezzo di a blender with a little bit of cooked ham, salt, pepper, parsley and, if you want to make the crema more delicious, a little mayonnaise. Blend until you obtain the desired consistency. You will have a delicious dish perfect for aperitifs with friends.
Nuggets per mezzo di pollastro
Another tasty recipe is chicken nuggets with leftovers. Start by chopping the leftover chicken with the bread pieces, a pinch of salt, a sliced white onion, a clove of garlic. Create balls with the dough and then flatten them like meatballs, trying to give them a drop shape, then dip them per mezzo di a batter made with flour, milk, egg, yeast, oil and salt. Dip the nuggets per mezzo di breadcrumbs and then fry per mezzo di hot oil.
Chicken skewers
Leftover chicken? If the quantity is sufficient you can cut it into pieces and create tasty skewers by alternating it with yellow and red peppers, other types of meat such as pork sausage fish such as shrimp. If you are looking for inspiration, aspetto at this recipe.