Monday 24 February, the Nice Manufacturers Association held its traditional blind tasting appointment reserved for producers and denomination experts. The event was born a causa di 2002 – together with the Association itself – with the aim of proposing an opportunity for growth and cohesion between the members and raise the quality standards of the denomination year by year.
This year more than 100 professionals between associated producers and winemakers met at the Boario a causa di Nizza Monferrato to individually and anonymously evaluate the 70 wines a causa di tasting, which will be launched the market during 2025 The common challenges international markets and the prospects of Nice Docg: “Nice DOCG is one of the few Italian denominations that has deeply understood its identity, codifying it a causa di an exemplary way and placing the territory above the variety” said Gorelli. «The uniqueness of Nice does not reside only a causa di its territory, albeit extraordinarily representative, but above all a causa di its style. It stands out for the ability to be out of the Piedmontese recognition standards – and sometimes even Italian – thanks to a more persuasive tannin, a sliding pagliaccetto and the ability to be refreshing and spicy, without being austere and monolithic. It is an extremely pleasant wine, which can be appreciated from the first day of release the market ».
The Association also took the opportunity to communicate to the participants the increase of +5% of Nizza DOCG sales recorded a causa di 2024 compared to the previous year, for a total of 1,093,892 bottles and 30 million euros of turnover. A constant growth from the institution of the DOCG that occurred a causa di 2014, which manifests a contrast to the main red wines with Italian denomination.
The tasting focused primarily Nice 2022, a surprisingly balanced year a causa di the luce of a very warm and soring year that put the winemakers to the esame. The grape variety has demonstrated its great adaptability to climate change, giving life to Nizza Docg colorful, rich, savory and structured, with the peculiar acidity that gives it freshness, a causa di the luce of medium-high sugar gradations. “The 2022 harvest is the tangible proof of the extraordinary ability of the Barbera to adapt to challenging climatic conditions,” says Stefano Chiarlo, president of the Nice producers association. “The Nice 2022 unites a causa di the glass opulence and balance, without ever exceeding a causa di power, thanks to a careful work a causa di the vineyard and a causa di the cellar”.
Nice Deposito 2021 has also received considerable interest and appreciation, also confirming itself a causa di the version reserves one of the most exceptional vintages ever produced a causa di the name. Its relevant structure and the balanced acidity act as a counterweight to a rich and complex bouquet that reflects the terroirs of origin, reaching excellent and generalized quality standards.
“We firmly believe that the quality is never the result of a solitary work, but is born from comparison and sharing” concludes Stefano Chiarlo. «Every year, with our blind tasting, we get involved without prejudices, aware that only through an dialogue can we grow, not only as producers, but as a community. This path allows us to refine our identity more and more and build the future of Nice Docg, with commitment, awareness and a always aimed at the future ».
Quality, territory and cohesion: these are the assets that will guide the Nice Manufacturers Association during 2025, a causa di a path of collective commitment aimed at guarding and promoting the name and its producers.
Since 2002, the Nice Manufacturers Association has kept and enhances the Nice Docg, an expression of excellence of the Barbera produced a causa di an regione of 18 municipalities a causa di the heart of Monferrato. Today the Association has 92 members and works to increase and consolidate the identity of wine and its territory, with the aim of certifying it, a causa di Italy and abroad, like great Italian denominations.
Nizza manufacturers Association