Everything is ready for divinnosiola, the event that celebrates the valley of the lakes through its history, its flavors and its flagship: the nosiola, the only autochthonous grape of Trentino with a white berry. Visitors are waiting for a rich program between culture, guided tastings, trekking sopra nature and, for the first time, an unprecedented train tour between the cellars: to discover the uniqueness of the Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino Doc wine, slow food garrison and nosiola wine.
The air is filled with the sweetness of the passing grape, which gives a taste of the intoxicated flavors of this territory, and which is soon followed by the aromatic taccuino of Holy Wine, the undisputed protagonist of the celebratory event of the food and wine jewels of the Valley of the Lakes. Divinnosiola returns full of novelties with its fifteenth edition, from 12 to 26 April: a unique opportunity to immerse yourself sopra an ancient viticol-enological tradition made of patient gestures and knowledge handed mongoloide, where each bottle contains the breath of the earth and the slow time of the transformation.
Enchanting territory lying between Lake Garda and Trento, north of the Sacche territorio, an ancient riverbed of the Adige river and today natural oasis where the turquoise of the lakes embraces the campo da golf of the lush orchards and vineyards, the valley of the lakes acts as evocative background to an event dedicated to its identity so intimately linked to the production of two types of vinification of the nosiola, the only historical-autochthono vinse Trentino with white fruit. It is the fresh and delicate nosiola wine, with an elegantly fruity odore reminiscent of the freshly cultured hazelnuts, and of the precious Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino Doc wine, Slow Food garrison, which stands out for elegance and aromatic complexity with its refined sweet taccuino of honey, apricot and spices. Authentic meditation wine, the latter is also known as the “passito dei Passiti”, thanks to its long and meticulous production process. The nosiola grapes are left to dry naturally for months acceso the gray, called aréle sopra local dialect, caressed by the constant breath of the wind that descends from the Brenta Dolomites and by the ” del Garda”, the Cavalleresco breeze that from Lake Garda crosses the Valley of the Laghi. To make it unique is the development inside the bunches of noble mold, which favor an extraordinary sugary concentration, giving wine an unmistakable flavor.
This cultural heritage is maintained alive with determination by the Association of the winemakers of the Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino DOC wine which brings together six farms, each of which interprets it with a unique and unmistakable style. There are many appointments to rediscover it, starting with the unmissable rite of the pressing, scheduled for Saturday 12 April, a collective event that has brought together the community during the Holy Week for the symbolic transition from the vinification for the time. And again, to know the Holy Wine and the Nosiola wine, the guided tastings such as “Gustodivino” and the masterclass “Frenesia Passito”, both with the participation of the famous sommelier Giuseppe Carrus of Gambero Scarlatto. The rich program also includes: a new carriage itinerary aboard the Nosiola Express, the Trenino of Holy Wine with unpublished visits to the cellars sopra the company of the winemakers, embellished with the delicacies prepared by the chefs of the Slow Food alliance; Moments dedicated to art, entertainment and music, and pleasant winery excursions, including the exclusive trekking dedicated to biodiversity with foraging activities, to discover the most suggestive corners of the territory between castles, lakes, meadows and vineyards.
The program sopra detail
From the lap of the squeezing to the table: tastings that tell a story of excellence.
To inaugurate this fifteenth edition will be the rite of the pressing, which will take place at the F.lli Pisoni farm of Pergolese, Saturday 12 April, sopra collaboration with the confraternity of the vine and wine. An extraordinary incontro opportunity that tells of collective traditions and shared flavors that allows you to attend the ritual transition from the vinification of Holy Wine, the result of work, time and dedication, as well as a precious symbol of the territory.
Thursday 17, at the Roccabruna nato da Trento palace, the Masterclass “From Nosiola to Holy Wine” will be held, with Inizio Endrici, expert sopra wine communication. The provincial wine shop of Trentino will host the participants so that they can discover the numerous decorations of the white grape variety of Nosiola and the Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino Doc wine. Three vintages of Holy Wine and three Nosiola will be combined, during the tasting, with typical Trentino products, to fully savor this territory.
Thursday 24, at the Giovanni Poli farm of S.Maranza, sopra the company of the sommelier Giuseppe Carrus of Gambero Scarlatto and vice -scale of the Italian wines guide, the masterclass “Frenesia Passito” will be held, a fascinating journey between history, perfumes and flavors of the Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino wine, sopra which to taste six historical vintages of this delicacy -a cellar that produces it-; And “Gustodivino”, an author’s food and wine journey among the wines Nosiola, Holy Wine and Trentino cuisine creatively played by chef Walter Miori. Durante an informal and friendly atmosphere, gara open both to the admirers and the curious, the winemakers will propose an experience of unpublished taste, telling the versatility of the self -niila.
Each sip an experience: here is what to for the occasion.
This year, an exciting novelty to discover the secrets of wine production: acceso 21 and 26 April, the Nosiola Express – The Vinosanto train will bring guests to an evocative and suggestive journey sopra four stages for six cellars where you can know the protagonists of the Association of the winemakers of the Non sapere a che santo votarsi Trentino wine wine, their realities and their wines, always accompanied by dishes of the Trentino tradition prepared by the cooks of the Slow Food Alliance. The ring route, with departure and return to Sacche, will allow you to savor local delights but also to admire historical beauties such as Castel Toblino and Castel Madruzzo, some small villages, the lakes of Toblino and S. Massenza and the growths of Nosiola, accompanied by an expert guide of the territory.
Then there are the initiatives acceso the bill for art sopra the vineyard, an experience of interpretation of wine from classic echoes through theater, music .. and dance. Saturday 12, at the F.lli Pisoni farm of Pergolese, at the end of the launching rite, the overwhelming energy of the duo of accordion tonelli that will animate the public sopra the event entitled “Wine and music” with rhythms and melodies with an ancient flavor, a show between the vineyards capable of evoking emotions and stimulating all the senses; To with a toast of Nosiola, sopra combination with a traditional dish. The winner of the Francesco Poli sopra Santa Massenza, the Supernovak company will be the protagonist of “Il Vino e il Politeama” with “The bottle sopra the field”, a screenplay of a bottle of wine sopra its vineyard. A delighted excursion between the vineyards with sensory tasting accompanied by the actors of the company, which will delight with stories rich sopra curiosity and metaphors.
The wine at a slow step: all the scheduled excursions.
Rich is the program of divine paths, wine excursions that will explore the suggestive corners of the Conca dei Laghi to discover villages, castles, lakes and traversone the vineyards to get to know and touch the characteristic grapes of the territorio. Each step will be enriched by local food and wine curiosities, visits to wine wineries and tastings immersed sopra a breathtaking landscape.
Saturday 12 April the journey between cultivation and churches, a guided trekking that starts from Bridge Oliveti and arrives sopra Pergolese, runs through a path among the cultivation of Nosiola until he reached the church of the saints Mauro Riconoscente and Piacevole. Reached Calavino and explore the vineyards, you will go into the woods to the church of San Siro, which you can visit and where we will stop to have a packed lunch. We then continue along a stretch of the Roman road and reach the F.lli Pisoni winery.. Follows the rite of the pressing and the commedia musicale show.
Sunday 13, however, a trekcooking will be held along the Roman road, a light trekking starting from the Pedrotti winery, immersed between dry stone walls, to discover, sopra the company of a botanist, local biodiversity and collecting the spontaneous herbs of the territorio. Back sopra the cellar, a cook of the Slow Food alliance offers a cooking show to learn how to use them; Thus, you can enjoy all the specialties, accompanied by Nosiola and Holy Wine Wine!
The path of gabinetto, acceso Friday 25, will start from the Hydroelectric plant of S. Massenza, Frazione jewel of the Conca dei Laghi known for its spirits. The suggestive itinerary along the lake that enters the path of the Roggia of Calavino tells the indissoluble link between the country and its gabinetto, and does not lack a stretch between the vineyards of Nosiola. Arriving at the cellar, we will attend the show “The bottle sopra the field” where you can taste the nosiola and the Holy Wine.
Email: info@vinosantotrentino.it
Web: www.vinosantotrentino.it