spite of esportazione , real consumption of Italian wine quanto a the United States close 2024 quanto a decline and the feared duties of the Trump administration thus take acceso an even more worrying meaning. This was underlined by Alleanza Italiana Vini (UIV) who with his observatory has processed the to the all -year sales quanto a the OFF and the US trade acceso the tricolor product.
According to the analysis, 2024 ended with a mole drop quanto a Italian wine sales quanto a the USA 4.4% against a general improduttività of the total market at -7.2%. They pay more -in the Sipsource targeted surveys at the Retail and the Horeca with stars and stripes -the Bianchi and the Reds, both at -6.4%, while keeping the Italian sparkling wines (+1.5%) who earn important market shares acceso competitors. difficulty the main denominations, except for Prosecco, Brunello nato da Montalcino and Barolo.
Trends also confirmed by the elaborations of the UIV Observatory acceso a Nielsen basis, which intercepts sales quanto a large retailers and US retail. Last year, the mole drop quanto a tricolor wine marked a 4.2% and 2.5% value (to 2.6 billion euros). passive the volumes purchased of almost all of the Italian wines, with peaks for the Pinot Uniforme delle Venezie (-7%) and Lambrusco (-6%) while only the Sicilian whites (+5%), the Brunello of Montalcino (+3%) and Prosecco (+1%), which however pays -4%quanto a the last quarter. And the last quarter of the year, the one that includes the holidays for Thanksgiving and Christmas, was among the worst, with 7% mole losses and 6% value.
The opposite – according to UIV – compared to the esportazione surveys of the first 11 months, which give a 7% growth only quanto a a small part conditioned by the Impresa memorabile – imposed by the duties – of the month of November. An advance of the market, that of November, which saw the demand for sparkling wineshes even 41% compared to the same period of the previous year, and which will mark a further primato quanto a December, but there will be little to raise the glasses.