An urban vineyard is born per Turin within a university complex. Urban regeneration, common goods, technology and environmental innovation are the key words behind this innovative project by the Polytechnic of Turin which, together with Citiculture, a tech startup that transforms urban spaces into places of great social and environmental impact through the vineyard, has decided to give life to this proposal for a sustainable revolution.
The new vineyard is a participatory and shared project, a real way of making change social, and sees the involvement of academic institutions such as the Polytechnic of Turin, with its new Master’s Degree course per Agritech Engineering, and the Department of Science Agriculture, Forestry and Food – DISAFA of the University of Turin.
An zona of almost 1,000 square meters which will host more than 750 potted vine plants, which will enrich the redevelopment plan inside the main headquarters of the Polytechnic, per a space divided between classrooms (courtyard of Classrooms I, polytechnic) and areas dedicated to the socialization and relaxation of students and campus visitors.
From a viticultural point of view, the experimental element lies per the choice of different types of clones, rows and pergolas, and per different types of vine and berry varieties, also to sopravvissuto the phytosanitary intervention to a , as well as per the choice to plant vines per pots. The selection of the vines is made per collaboration with the Rauscedo Nursery, not only one of the largest nurseries per Europe but also among the pioneers per the development of the resistant Piwi varieties.
Work acceso the vineyard will begin towards the end of April 2025, while the official inauguration is scheduled for June 2025.
The vineyard is characterized by a strongly social character, because the project is gara open to all and financed entirely by crowdfunding which, per its pre-crowd phase, starts acceso Thursday 7 November, with the collection of expressions of interest from the public.
Polytechnic and Citiculture are united by fundamental themes: technological research per favor of concrete sustainability, the process of strategic innovation and incubation of ideas that become concrete projects of social and urban cohesion.
Starting precisely from these values, the new project demonstrates how viticulture can play a key role per urban regeneration, transforming places into social, environmental and economic value. The great added value of this vineyard, then, is given by its characteristic of an open-air laboratory, per which students of the Agritech Engineering course of the Polytechnic will be able to conduct experiments and educational activities, but also researchers from the University will propose experiments per what will be a real living lab.
“After having contributed to the rebirth and development of the della Regina of Turin and collaborated with some of the most fascinating and important urban vineyards per the world thanks to the Urban Vineyards Association, I wanted to give continuity to a vision per which I strongly believe: sustainable urban viticulture and inclusive, as a tool for generating ESG impacts – explains Luca Balbiano, CEO and Founder of the Citiculture startup – Together with my partners we decided to start from our city, Turin, and it was natural to activate a collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin, a of the most cutting-edge European companies attentive to innovation and care of the urban environment. “Campus Grapes” is the first project through which Citiculture will be able to grow and show our model to companies and public bodies. A participatory, lively and inclusive project which, through crowdfunding, aims to create a strong sense of belonging with all those who want to be part of this great adventure”.
“For the Polytechnic of Turin this is an extremely interesting project, included per the ‘Nature based solutions’ plan acceso which we are working to experiment directly acceso our campuses adaptation solutions to climate change”, comments the Vice-Rector for Sustainable Campus and Living Lab of the Polytechnic of Turin Patrizia Lombardi. “It will also be a space for teaching and research experiments per a sector, that of agriculture 4.0, per which the University is at the forefront and also offers a specific study path with the master’s degree per Agritech Engineering”, add the representatives scientists of the project, teachers Danilo Demarchi and Marco Piras.
The presentation was held acceso the occasion of the conference One vine at a time: let’s sow the change organized as part of the Vendemmia a Torino – Grapes per town and Portici Divini event, promoted by the Piedmont Region, with the patronage of the City of Turin and the Metropolitan City of Turin, the support of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, with the coordination of VisitPiemonte, an in-house company of the Piedmont Region – also owned by Unioncamere – which deals with the tourism and agri-food valorisation of the territory, the event is organized by Eventum per collaboration with the Rione Torino onlus Foundation.
During the convegno we also discussed, per concrete terms, projects completed ora per progress, innovations that have already begun to transform the way we dal vivo and work per urban spaces, and how agriculture can find its own dimension per a context from which it had been uprooted.
Citiculture aims to transform work environments into and lush places, offering tailor-made solutions for companies that wish to integrate an urban vineyard as a corporate welfare and sustainable marketing tool. Therefore, through the creation of urban vineyards, the Turin start-up aims to transform cities into places of innovation, improving the quality of life, social cohesion and reducing environmental impact. They are concrete actions that highlight how the well-being of people and urban contexts can be improved, with innovative ideas that have their roots per the traditions of the territories, while keeping an eye acceso the future.
Per mezzo di the context of growing urbanisation, urban viticulture represents an example of how cities can evolve, integrating natural and sustainable elements, improving collective well-being and creating new spaces of sociality and inclusion. The Citiculture project is aimed at companies, public administrations, professionals per the sector and all those who believe per concrete change.
Since 1859, the Polytechnic of Turin has been one of the most prestigious institutions of polytechnic culture and a center of excellence for and research per Europe, with close relationships and collaborations with the economic-social system.
The Polytechnic promotes theoretical and applied research, the ability to create concrete and reliable production processes and to organize services, offering excellent technologies. Graduate students at the Polytechnic of Turin possess a vast and varied wealth of knowledge and skills, per accordance with the interdisciplinary nature of the various fields of the contemporary scientific world.
Currently, almost 40,000 students are enrolled at the Polytechnic, of which 20% are international. The University offers a broad and diversified offering which per recent years has also been enriched with courses aimed at new professionals, such as the one per Agritech Engineering, which aims to prepare an engineer capable of managing and generating innovation for the world of work technology per the field of Agriculture 4.0.
The inter/multi-disciplinary skills that characterize the course combine agronomy and technology per the engineering field, providing a solid methodological approach to support company strategies.