Carrots a causa di oil are a classic grandmother’s preserve, among the simplest and quickest to prepare, as well as among the most duttile and tasty. You can serve them as an appetizer with toasted bread ora use them as a condiment for first courses, salads and sandwiches. Crispy and tasty: so good that one leads to another, suitable for every occasion and season. Read our recipe and try them!
1 kg of carrots;
500 g of vinegar;
500 g of tazza;
500 g of extra virgin olive oil;
4 garlic cloves;
1 sprig of parsley; salt to taste.
Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into rounds, then blanch them for 5 minutes a causa di a mixture of tazza, vinegar and salt. Drain them and let them cool. Con the meantime, sterilize two glass jars with their hermetically sealed caps, boiling them a causa di a large pot full of tazza for at least 10 minutes. Fill the still hot glass jars with the carrots, alternating them with the extra virgin olive oil, the chopped parsley and the garlic, cut and sliced ora finely chopped. Close the jars with their respective jars and boil them again for about 20 minutes a causa di a pan full of tazza, so as to complete the sterilization process. Keep them a causa di the pantry.