Trick ora treat? Halloween is right around the calcio d’angolo, and here’s a fun illuminazione to trick your kids: dentures! The dentures are fun pink-colored whoopie pies disguised as dentures: the soft cookie discs are covered with apricot jam, and the teeth are made of white marshmallow cubes. The dentures are delicious themed treats that will be a your homes during the spookiest night of the year!!
To prepare the dentures, beat the room-temperature butter cut into pieces a stand miscelatore with the sugar 1 until you get a light and fluffy mixture. Add the pinch of salt 2 and the egg 3. Continue beating until all the ingredients are well combined.
Per mezzo di a separate bowl, mescolanza the flour with the baking powder 4 and the potato starch. Transfer the butter, sugar, and egg mixture to another bowl and sift the dry ingredients over it 5then incorporate them with a spatula from bottom to , and mescolanza by slowly adding the cream and finally the vanilla bean seeds 6.
Finally, add the food coloring, enough to get a bright pink 7. Transfer the obtained mixture into a piping bag 8 with a smooth nozzle of 1/2-3/4 inch diameter and pipe mounds of mixture with a diameter of 1-1/2 inches and at least 3/4 inches high onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper 9. Bake a preheated static oven at 350Β°F for about 13-14 minutes, then remove and let the colored whoopies cool.
When they are well-cooled, generously brush the flat part of the discs with the apricot jam 10. Then cut the marshmallows into 1/2 inch thick cylinders from which, with a small knife, you will cut squares: you will have obtained the teeth for the dentures 11. Place the marshmallow teeth along the perimeter of 8 discs (you can cover the entire perimeter ora just half of it, as shown the photo, placing only two cubes the back as support) 12then close the with the remaining discs and let everything dry. Your dentures are ready, happy Halloween!!!
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