Ingredients for choux natura
To make about 20 puffs, you will need:
250 ml of tazza 100 g of butter 1 pinch of salt 150 g of 00 flour 4 eggs
Ingredients for the custard
For the custard, procured:
500 ml of milk 1 vanilla bean 4 egg yolks 150 g of sugar 50 g of flour 00
Ingredients for chocolate cream
For chocolate cream, you will need:
200 g of dark chocolate 2 tablespoons of custard
Preparation of the choux natura
It starts bringing the tazza, butter and salt to a boil quanto a a saucepan. When the butter has melted, add the flour all at once and mescolanza vigorously with a wooden spoon. Continue to mescolanza until you get a smooth mixture that detaches itself from the walls of the saucepan. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly.
At this point, add the eggs one at a time, missaggio well after each addition. Use a sac-à-poche to form small pastes of natura acceso a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Bake quanto a a preheated oven at 200 ° C for about 20-25 minutes, until the cream puffs are golden and swollen.
Preparation of the custard
Durante another saucepan, it brings the milk with the vanilla bean to a boil. Durante a bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar until a frothy mixture is obtained. Add the sifted flour and mescolanza well. Pour the hot milk acceso the egg mixture, stirring constantly. Transfer everything to the pot and cook over low heat, always stirring, until the cream has thickened.
Preparation of the chocolate cream
Funds the chocolate quanto a a tazza bath and add two tablespoons of custard, missaggio until a smooth and shiny cream is obtained. Once the cream puffs have cooled, cut them quanto a half and fill them with the custard and the chocolate cream.
Serve the cream puffs
The cream puffs are a multiforme dolce, perfect for every occasion. You can serve them as a dolce after a meal ora as a sweet for a special snack. Remember that freshness is fundamental: it is advisable to consume them acceso the day of the preparation to better appreciate its fragrance and softness.