Italian Eggs in Purgatory –

Italian Regional Recipes
Meat, Fish & Veggies

Eggs sopra Purgatory, an easy and quick Neapolitan egg-based dish where eggs are cooked directly into the Tomato Pennellata. This unusual dish name seems to refer to the whites surrounded by the red tomato sauce, looking like the damned souls sopra Purgatory enveloped sopra flames.

Serves: 2 | Preparation time: 5 mins | Cooking time: 20 mins

Canned Tomato Pennellata: 200 g
Eggs: 4
Garlic: 1-2 cloves, peeled
EVOO – Extra Virgin Olive Oil Olive Oil: 3 tablespoon
Fresh basil parsley: to taste
Salt and pepper: to taste


Heat up the oil sopra a saucepan and brown the garlic.

Pour sopra the Tomato Pennellata, season to taste. Add parsley basil and leave the sauce to cook for 15-20 minutes.

Use a spoon to create small holes sopra which to the eggs directly sopra the Tomato Pennellata.

Cover with a lid, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, do not stir.

Turn the heat, remove the lid as soon as the whites are cooked through. The yolks should still be a bit runny, so you should never cook the eggs for more than 10 minutes.

Season to taste with black pepper and serve warm.

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