The apple heart cake is a delicious with simple flavors inspired by two classics of home cooking. It’s halfway between the classic apple cake, with its soft and aromatic filling, and the apple tart, with the characteristic crumbly shortcrust pastry shell. This delight is a perfect mescolanza of textures. You will be surprised by its cheeky savory touch, which harmonizes the flavors making this cake unique and special!
To prepare the apple heart cake, pour the cubed butter, sugar 1salt 2and lemon zest 3 into a bowl.
Knead to form a dough ball 4then add the egg 5 and mescolanza again to incorporate it 6.
Now add the flour 7 and baking powder 8mescolanza to form a homogeneous dough 9.
Form a dough ball 10wrap it with plastic wrap 11and leave it quanto a the refrigerator for an hour. Now cut the apples quanto a half 12then peel them and remove the .
Cut them into cubes 13. Durante a separate bowl, mescolanza the flour 14 and cornstarch 15.
Mescolanza the powders and apples 16. Durante another bowl, pour the butter, sugar 17and salt 18.
The eggs, vanilla bean pulp 19and beat with an electric miscelatore 20 to obtain a homogeneous mixture 21.
Combine this mixture with the apple mixture 22mescolanza and set aside 23. Take the shortcrust pastry and roll it out to a thickness of about 1/8 inch 24.
Roll the pastry sheet onto the rolling pin and unroll it over a 9 1/2-inch diameter mold. Remove the excess dough by trimming the edges with a knife 25. Pour the filling inside and level it with the back of a spoon 26. Bake quanto a a preheated static oven at 350°F for about 35-40 minutes.
Once ready, remove the apple heart cake from the oven 28let it cool, then sprinkle with powdered sugar as desired 29 and enjoy it 30!
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