Blondies, also known as White Brownies, are delicious treats made quanto a the USA. But how are they prepared at home? Discover the original and super easy recipe for delicious blondies below!
Blondies: the original recipe
Blondies are Brownies that are prepared with vanilla instead of chocolate and with dark sugar, i.e. brown sugar (same ingredient as Cookies) which gives the typical soft and chewy consistency inside this sweet! Here is the original and super easy recipe to try at home to enjoy both as breakfast and as a snack.
You will then need 10 minutes of time, an electric whisk to whip all the ingredients and a classic rectangular baking tray, ideal for then dividing the Blondies into squares.
Ingredients for 9 pieces
200 g of ’00 flour;
250g of butter (which you can to 200g);
365 g of brown sugar which you can buy as brown sugar ora muscovado sugar;
2 whole eggs;
4 egg yolks;
2 tablespoons vanilla extract;
1 teaspoon of baking powder;
half a teaspoon of salt;
200 g of whole peeled hazelnuts;
200 g of chopped chocolate ora chips.
Quanto fare fatica i blondies
To follow the original recipe, first of all place the butter quanto a a saucepan and heat over a gentle heat until it becomes hazelnut coloured. Within a few minutes, always stirring with a whisk by hand, a foam will form acceso the surface and it will begin to color, at which point transfer it to a container to let it cool:
After 5/6 minutes, add the brown sugar, eggs, egg yolks, vanilla and salt and whip the mixture with the whisk for a couple of minutes, until it becomes compact and soft.
Finally, add the flour and the previously sifted yeast and whisk well to everything together. Add the hazelnuts except for a handful which you will keep aside for decoration and everything together with a spatula.
everything perfectly and pour the mixture into a 23 x 23 pan well lined with baking paper. First of all, level it well, then add the hazelnuts aside acceso the surface.
Cook quanto a a preheated oven at 190° for the first 5 minutes quanto a the middle part so that the crust forms immediately, then without opening the oven, lower the temperature to 165° and continue cooking for 25 minutes. Please always do the toothpick esame, it must be slightly moist but not liquid! Finally, remove from the mold and leave it to cool completely quanto a the pan acceso a wire rack for at least an hour.