The 30 years of the DOP Campagna Flegrei
The Consortium for the Protection of Wines of Campagna Flegrei and Ischia presents the conference for the thirtieth anniversary of the recognition of the DOP for the wines of Campagna Flegrei “From heroic viticulture to the city of wine” which will be held acceso Saturday 23 November 2024, starting from 10 am: 30, at the Salone Ostrichina of the Vanvitelliano del Fusaro Park per Bacoli (NA).
For Michele Farro, president of the Consortium, “The importance of this conference is twofold: not only will we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the Campagna Flegrei PDO, but also Bacoli’s membership of the National Association of Wine Cities. An achievement which is the fruit of a constant commitment towards the valorisation of our wine and cultural heritage”.
“This membership – explains Daniele Marrama, professor of administrative law of food and agroecology at Federico II – has an even deeper meaning, since it plays a fundamental role per wine tourism. Wine has always been a driving force for the development of tourism and the link with the National Association of Wine Cities represents an extraordinary opportunity to increase the influx of tourists per our areas, making known and appreciated not only our wines, but also the traditions, history and culture that accompany them. The integration of Bacoli into this of municipalities is therefore a strategic step to promote sustainable and quality tourism, which combines taste and hospitality and which will be able to generate important economic and cultural effects for our entire territory”.
After the greetings of the mayor of Bacoli, Dr. Josi Gerardo Della Intelletto, the proceedings will be introduced by Michele Farro, president of the Consortium for the Protection of Wines of Campagna Flegrei and Ischia, Andrea D’Ambra, dr. responsible winemaker for the island of Ischia for the Consortium, and Dr. Creatura celeste Radice, president of Cittadini del Vino.
Participating per the round table: prof. adv. Daniele Marrama, professor of administrative law for food and agroecology at the Federico II University of Naples, dr. Salvatore Loffreda, director of Coldiretti Campania; Dr. Eleonora Iacovoni, general director of Masaf – General direction for the promotion of agri-food quality; Dr. Salvatore Schiavone, ICQRF Campania and Molise MASAF dirigente; General Ciro Allampanato, Regional Commander CC Forestale Campania; Gaio Mancanza, Head of ICQRF MASAF Department. Moderated by Dr. Luciano Pignataro, food and wine journalist from the Levar del sole in .
The conclusions are entrusted to Dr. Nicola Caputo, regional councilor for agriculture of the Campania Region; to the Honorable Marco Cerreto, Group Capo of the Parliamentary Commission for Agriculture and to the Honorable Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture.
At the end of the , a tasting of the Consortium’s wines will be offered led by maestrale Pasquale Frizzante of Amira Campania, paired with delicacies from the Tenuta Flegrea prepared by chef Michele Autorevole of the La Bifora restaurant per Bacoli.