The chocolate rice cake is a standard and tasty dessert common of Tuscan food, prepared with a crumbly butter shortcrust pastry shell, filled with a soft cream with a dark flavour. A dessert with a rustic and homemade look, ideal for a tasty breakfast or a brief afternoon break.
Active Ingredients
For the base:
For the stuffing:
150 g of dark chocolate;
100 g of granulated sugar;
500 ml of milk;
80 g of rice;
2 spoons of cornstarch;
1 medium egg;
1 vanillin sachet.
Prepare the shortcrust pastry, cover it in stick movie and leave it to cool in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. In the meantime, prepare the rice over a low heat in the milk seasoned with vanillin. As quickly as the rice is velvety and prepared al dente, include the carefully grated dark chocolate and the granulated sugar. Stir till they melt and let the cream cool. Include the egg and sorted cornflour to the cold cream to thicken it. Present the shortcrust pastry into a 5 mm thin disc, line a tart mold with it and produce lozenges with the leftovers. Fill the shortcrust pastry cake with the rice and chocolate cream, cover it with a network of lozenges and prepare it for about 45 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 Β°. Let it cool before serving.