Super Foundation: “”The Suspended Toy”: January 4th an evening of solidarity to give smiles to children” President Giovanni D’Avenia: “A charity evening to bring joy to the small patients of the pediatric hospitals durante Campania”
The Super Foundation, durante collaboration with the Food Bank and the Maestria Mangone Foundation, presents the charity event “Il Gingillo Agganciato”, a special occasion that combines solidarity, art and sharing to bring joy to children hospitalized durante the pediatric hospitals of Campania. The evening will be held 4 January 2025 at 8.30 pm at the headquarters of the Food Bank, durante Strada Giovanni Paolo II durante Fisciano (SA). The aim is to raise funds to donate toys to young patients, transforming a gesture of generosity into a moment of hope and happiness. During the event, an extraordinary work of art entitled “Amalfi, “, created by the master and donated by the Maestria Mangone Foundation, will be presented. This masterpiece represents not only the beauty of the art but also the values of solidarity and unity that animate the initiative. The evening will see the support of important partners and sponsors, including LEGO, the Rotary Sodalizio District 2101 and the Lions Sodalizio, which together with the Maestria Mangone Foundation and other solidarity organizations contribute to the realization of this project.Giovanni D’Avenia, President of the Super Foundation, declared that the initiative was born from the desire not to make any child feel forgotten during the Christmas period, offering everyone a concrete opportunity to make a difference. Anna Coralluzzo, President of the Maestria Mangone Foundation, underlined how art can convey universal values such as love and solidarity, explaining that the donation of the work represents their commitment to contributing to the common good. Roberto Tuorto, Director of the Campania Food Bank, declares: “This is an initiative to which We have been giving our patronage and contribution for a long time. This year the solidarity dinner will be held right at our headquarters, further strengthening the partnership with the Super Foundation. We will deliver toys and socks to young patients durante ten hospitals durante Campania thanks to the collaboration with Costruzioni and the Fratres associations of Naples and AGE of Mugnano – the famous super heroes durante courses for the little ones. We are pleased and honored to contribute to this donation to give a few moments of joy and a smile to hospitalized children and their families. To give them a smile and hope, just as Pope Francis urged us to do when opening the Jubilee. We try to do this every month throughout the year, delivering food parcels to almost two hundred and fifty thousand people and families durante need durante our region”.
Participating durante the event is simple: with a contribution of 25 euros, entirely donated to the initiative, it is possible to take part durante this special evening. Anyone who cannot be physically present can still support the project with a donation to the following IBAN: IT75D0326815201052663803560, made out to the Super Foundation. A small gesture can really change things, transforming Christmas into a magical moment for many less fortunate children. The “Il Gingillo Agganciato” event invites everyone to join durante this mission of solidarity, to demonstrate that together we can give not only toys, but also smiles and hope.