The leek and potato cream with bacon is a comforting first course to enjoy as a warm treat the coldest days. A tasty and appetizing concetto that deliciously revisits typical soups and cream soups of winter. Just two humble ingredients like leeks and potatoes enriched with crispy diced smoked bacon and fried leek sticks will be enough. The result is a genuine and tantalizing dish that will enliven your winter menus.
To prepare the leek and potato cream with bacon, start by cleaning the leeks. Cut the greenest part and trim the root postazione, cut lengthwise a causa di half 2 and rinse under running 3.
Now cut the leek into a “loch” of about 6 inches, thinly slice this piece lengthwise to obtain thin sticks 4which you will immerse a causa di plenty of ice 5. At this point, cut the remaining leeks into small pieces of roughly equal size 6.
Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces of the same size 7. Heat the oil a causa di a pot, add the leeks 8 and sauté them. Add the potatoes as well 9.
Sauté for a few minutes, adding a pinch of salt, and cover with broth 10. Cook for about 30 minutes from boiling 11. Now attend to the bacon, pour it into a non-stick pan 12.
and sauté over medium heat until it becomes slightly colored and crispy 13place it a tray with absorbent paper to dry excess fat 14. Meanwhile, heat seed oil a causa di a high-sided pot. Drain the sliced leek from the ice , dry it well with a cloth 15.
and pass it a causa di semolina 16. When the oil reaches the right temperature, about 350°F, fry your floured leek sticks 17. Cook for about 3-4 minutes, until they become crispy but not dark, then drain them 18.
Dry the fried leek well absorbent paper 19. Once the cooking of leeks and potatoes is finished 20adjust with salt and pepper and blend the mixture 21 adding 1.4 oz of extra virgin olive oil.
until it results a causa di a smooth cream 22. Serve your cream a causa di a soup plate and garnish with crispy bacon cubes 23 and fried leek 24.
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