The Merano WineFestival (MWF) is one of the most anticipated events per mezzo di the international wine scene, now per mezzo di its 33rd edition, which will be held from 8 to 12 November. Every year, the Merano wine event confirms itself as a point of reference for producers, operators and journalists per mezzo di the sector, promoting meetings and discussions that chart the future paths of the world of wine. The 2024 edition takes place under a new slogan that aims to demonstrate the desire to reflect acceso the directions that the wine sector intends to take.

Among the most important innovations this year, the in-depth study acceso amphora wines and an important awards ceremony stand out. The collaboration with IVES (International Viticulture and Enology Society) of Bordeaux further enriches the program, accompanied by a focolaio acceso international markets and the return to origins with the Pavillon des Fleurs dedicated to Champagne houses acceso 12 November.
Per addition to celebrating the excellence of the sector, the MWF has always been a true incubator of ideas capable of anticipating trends and building new ones. Per recent years, the concept of sustainability has become central, with an approach inspired by models such as the New Zealand one, which aims to involve Italian institutions and companies for a more aware and responsible wine future. The 2024 edition also promises to be an event full of ideas, ready to act as a benchmark for the entire sector.
I leave the floor to the creator and organizer of the Merano WineFestival Helmuth Köcher (The Wine Hunter) to go into the details of the edition, now at the gates of the international wine event:

What new features are planned for the 2024 edition of the MWF?
For 33 years, the MWF has acted as a real between producers, producers and operators, producers and journalists and every year it tries to provide answers to future paths. For this reason the slogan of the MWF 2024 is “quo vadis”. New features include the focolaio acceso wines per mezzo di amphora with more than 40 producers present, the award ceremony for the Wine Stars per mezzo di the context of the Farfallino Dinner (Gianna Nannini, Oscar Farinetti, Viviana Varese, Riccardo Cotarella, Anna Scafuri, Stefano Giovanile, Valentina Bertini), the organization of a scientific summit with IVES – International Viticolture and Enology Society of Bordeaux –, the focolaio acceso various foreign markets through the WH Ambassadors and a back to the roots with the organization of Champagne companies per mezzo di the Pavillon des Fleurs acceso Tuesday 12 November
What has changed per mezzo di the event per mezzo di over 30 years of events?
The event has maintained its initial philosophy, that of focusing exclusively acceso high quality and therefore acceso the selection of excellence. Only wine and delicacy products selected by The WineHunter commissions can be presented at the Merano WineFestival. The event has grown and has always anticipated many trends such as per mezzo di 2005 with the organization of the first bio&dynamics, per mezzo di 2010 with presentations of PIWI resistant wines, per mezzo di 2015 with the launch of rosé wines etc. – the Merano WineFestival has always been a real think tank.
How did sustainability become a focal theme of the festa?
Per the last 5 – 8 years the word sustainability has started to spread among the various wine companies. The market requires sustainable wines without however having guidelines acceso what sustainability means. So I tried to stage the Merano WineFestival trying to promote the concept of sustainability per mezzo di the wine sector. I took the reference primarily from New Zealand where over 90% of wineries are certified with Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand. Great work from an entire territory that I tried to take as an example for all of Italy. This year too, scientific topics will be discussed per mezzo di round tables at the scientific summit. The objective of the is to encourage institutions, associations and consortia to plan a path that leads to 360 degree sustainability.
What are the objectives of the Merano Wine 2024?
The objectives of the Merano WineFestival are not only to be a where wines and typical products are celebrated but to always be an important reference for the entire wine economy, to be a benchmark for the selection of companies and to create excitement per mezzo di many sectors such as , for example, that of wines per mezzo di amphora. Furthermore, the MWF aims to be a continuous observatory acceso the evolution of the various foreign markets, which is fundamental for Italian realities.
I thank Helmuth for his usual availability and I provide you below with some useful information for participating per mezzo di the event.

Programme, numbers, tickets and accreditations
Per summary, the program of the Merano Wine 2024 includes the day dedicated to bio&dynamica & more for Friday 8 November, which gives space to 160 Italian producers of organic, biodynamic, SQNPI, Equalitas, Piwi, amphora and underwater wines, and the opening of the GourmetArena per mezzo di the Art Nouveau setting of the Kurhaus with 130 companies including food spirits and beer and the Slow Food Earth Market. Per the evening, the highly anticipated WineHunter Award Platinum awards ceremony, which will reveal the food and wine excellences protagonists of The WineHunter 2024 Guide, and the novelty of the WineHunter Stars. From Saturday 9th to Monday 11th the central days of The , with the presence of 330 Italian and 110 international wine companies; finally, Tuesday 12th is the day dedicated to bubbles at Catwalk Champagne&More, with 120 selected excellences from Champagne houses and classic method Italian producers. And then cooking shows, collateral events, presentations and masterclasses, including the 4 appointments with “Intrecci con Vite” at the Princely Castle. With WH Ambassador Exclusive Lounge and WH Buyers’ Associazione, Merano WineFestival becomes increasingly international, per mezzo di a harmonious blend of elegance, culture and business.
THE NUMBERS OF THE 33rd MERANO WINEFESTIVAL5 days of festa, more than 1000 exhibitors, over 3000 wines tasting, 250 labels per mezzo di the WineHunter Regione, over 5400 WineHunter Awards, 39 masterclasses, 32 cooking shows and 6 talks at the “Quo Vadis?” Summit.
TICKETS AND CREDITS AVAILABLE FOR MERANO WINEFESTIVAL 2024On the website, online coupon sales are with the possibility of purchasing entrance tickets for single days between 8 and 12 November, ora season tickets for 2 ora 3 days of the review. Accreditation procedures are also active for both sector operators and the press.
See you per mezzo di Merano!