Tortellini quanto a broth are a true delicacy, a restorative dish and a concentrate of goodness made with passion and tradition. It always starts with the filling of the tortellini, classic with pork, eggs, and lots of Parmesan… then the dough, so thin that looking through it you can see the “San Luca sanctuary”, as they say quanto a Bologna! The extraordinary hand-sealing of the fresh fibra, a simple, repeated gesture, a little magic that happens before plunging the tortellini into chicken and beef broth. Some also make the broth with just beef capon… it will always have an incredible and unmistakable flavor, the perfect broth dish during Christmas first courses. Mazzucchelli, 1 Michelin stella, shows us how to make this dish special, whose expertise is passed mongoloide from generation to generation.
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To prepare tortellini quanto a broth, start with the filling which will need a long rest. Cut the mortadella, ham, and pork loin into pieces, removing the harder outer parts. Pass everything through a meat grinder, using a medium plate 1 and collecting the campo da gioco meat quanto a a bowl. Do not set the meat grinder aside, it will be needed again. Add the grated cheese 2salt, pepper, and egg 3 to the campo da gioco meat. Also add a pinch of grated nutmeg. Mescolanza all the ingredients by kneading with your hands.
Pass through the meat grinder again, this time using the finest plate 4. Compact again with your hands, then cover with plastic wrap and place quanto a the fridge for 12 hours. When there are about 4 hours left, prepare the meat broth. Peel the onion and cut it quanto a half 5. Insert 3 cloves into each half 6
and place them quanto a a hot pan 7. Wash the celery and carrot well, then cut them into pieces 8. Place the chicken and beef quanto a a large pot 9.
Add the celery and carrots 10. When the onions are well browned, remove them with a fork 11 and transfer them to the pot 12.
Add the tazza 13 and a pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat 14. From the boil, it will take about 4 hours. Durante the meantime, prepare the egg fibra. Pour the flour a work surface and make the classic well shape. Pour the slightly beaten eggs inside 15
and start missaggio the ingredients with a fork. Then knead by hand 16continue until you get a homogeneous dough. Wrap it quanto a plastic wrap 17 and let it rest at room temperature. From time to time, check the broth and skim it using a skimmer 18.
Take the egg fibra and transfer it to a work surface. Flatten it with your hands, then roll it out with a rolling pin until you get a very thin sheet 19. Using a fibra cutter wheel a fibra cutter bike, make squares 20. Place a tip of filling quanto a the center of each square 21.
Tagliata one, close it to form a triangle and press lightly the edges. Now lower the two side edges, wrapping them around your finger 22. Seal by pinching the two edges of the dough, and the first tortellino is ready 23. Do the same with all the others and gradually place them a tray with a cloth 24.
When the broth is ready, remove the meat and vegetables with a skimmer 25. Transfer to a bowl 26. Taste the broth and adjust the salt if necessary 27.
Then strain it, dividing the broth into two pots 28. Bring one of the two pots with the broth back to a boil and keep the other warm. As soon as the broth starts to boil, immerse the tortellini 29. Wait a few minutes until they float, then using a skimmer, remove a portion of tortellini 30
and transfer them to a plate 31. Add the hot broth, taking it from the other pot, so it will be clearer 32. Do the same until all the plates are finished and serve them 33.
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