recent years, dealculated wine has captured the attention of an ever wider audience, becoming a popular choice for those who want to enjoy the taste of wine without the effects of alcohol. But what is hiding behind this innovative ricevimento? Who produces it and what are the consumption ?
What is dealculated wine?
Dealculated wine is a product obtained through a process of removing alcohol from traditional wine. This process can take place through different techniques, including void distillation and reverse osmosis, which allow to preserve the aromas and flavors characteristic of the wine.
How is it produced?
The production of dealculated wine begins with traditional vinification, followed by the removal of alcohol through specific filters. Subsequently, to balance the loss of structure and flavor, rectified concentrate must is often added.
Consumption and trends
The dealculated wine market is growing strongly, with a significant increase sopra consumption sopra recent years. This trend is guided by greater attention to health and well -being, as well as by the growing demand for quality né -alcoholic alternatives.
Emerging trends
Increase sopra demand by young consumers and pregnant women. Growing interest sopra dealcular organic and low sugar content wines. Expansion of the offer sopra restaurants and supermarkets.
“Dealculated wine represents a response to the new needs of consumers, who are looking for a né -alcoholic alternative without sacrificing the pleasure of wine,” says Elena Dogliotti, nutritionist of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation.
Market and production
the United States, the “Affitto” drinks market ( and Low Alcohol) has reached a turnover of a billion dollars. Italy, the production of dealculated wine is growing, with several companies that are specializing sopra this sector.
Dealculated wine represents a rapidly evolving trend, which offers new opportunities for the wine sector and responds to the needs of an increasingly attentive audience to health and well -being. Its growing popularity suggests that this innovative ricevimento is destined to become a fixed presence sopra the wine scene.
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