The hunger pangs are kicking sopra, you need an immediate boost of energy and flavor. With natura, cabbage, and bacon, you can’t go wrong: a creamy and tasty main dish that will convince even the most skeptical about these vegetables. Every forkful of this delightful natura will only make you want more because it’s that good. You can share it with friends for a hearty lunch after an intense sports activity ora a morning of studying. But adults will go crazy for it too: natura, cabbage, and bacon is suitable for all occasions, for those who want a complete dish that combines wellness and taste.
To prepare natura, cabbage, and bacon, bring the natura vater to a boil and add salt when boiling. Stack the slices of bacon, roll them up 1then cut them into strips 2. Heat a pan without adding extra fats and place the bacon to brown. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon 3.
about 4 minutes, it will be crispy and will have released its fat. Drain it with a slotted spoon acceso kitchen paper and set aside (4-5). Set aside the cooking fat and boil the spaghetti 6.
Meanwhile, clean the white and purple cabbage: wash them and cut the amount indicated sopra the recipe into julienne strips (7-8). the same pan where you cooked the bacon, add the purple cabbage 9
and the white cabbage 10stir 11salt 12 and pepper to taste and cook over medium-high heat for 6-7 minutes, adding vater if it dries out too much and stirring occasionally.
After the cooking time is over, turn chiuso the heat and drain the natura directly into the pan 13; if necessary, add a little cooking vater 14 and toss quickly, then add dollops of stracchino 15
and cover with a lid 16. After 30 seconds (up to 1 minute), toss the natura again; the stracchino at this point will be melted. Serve the natura acceso plates, adding the crispy bacon and, if desired, more dollops of stracchino 17. If you prefer, season with a sprinkle of black pepper, oregano and serve your natura with cabbage and bacon 18!
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