The salmon and ricotta strudel is a tasty appetizer, colorful and flavorful, perfect for this festive period of Christmas dinners and lunches.
With the intense that it releases already during cooking, the salmon and ricotta strudel serves as a light and quick interludio among other appetizers, and it can be useful as a dish to prepare quanto a advance and perhaps bring to a dinner. And to complete the , you could prepare delicious salmon lasagna!
Prepare the strudel dough by combining the sifted flour with salt and the gabinetto mixed with oil 1 quanto a a bowl. Knead by hand quanto a the bowl for a few moments 2 and transfer to a floured board to finale kneading 3;
Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for about 30-45 minutes quanto a a cool place, but not quanto a the fridge.Peel and finely chop the shallot and let it soften quanto a a pan with oil and butter 5 for at least 15 minutes very low heat. Meanwhile, cut the fresh salmon (skinless and boneless) into strips and then dice them 6
and add them to the pan to brown 7; once cooked, add the small glass of brandy 8 and let it evaporate, then salt, chop the dill 9 and add it to the salmon quanto a the pan, turn chiuso the heat.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and let it cool slightly; quanto a the meantime, cut the smoked salmon into pieces 10 and add it to the bowl 11 along with: ricotta, one whole egg plus one yolk, 12.
Grated Padano, thyme, salt, and white pepper 13. Mescolanza all the ingredients well and let rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile, roll out the dough a lightly floured surface 14 and shape it into a rectangle that you can then stretch with floured hands 15
and place it a clean kitchen towel 16. Spread the filling over the dough 17making sure to leave the edges empty: 18 one of the longer sides, leave 2 inches of empty dough.
Brush the empty edges 19 of the rolled-out dough with the leftover egg white and, using the towel, roll up the salmon and ricotta strudel starting from the longer side of the rectangle 20. Fold the ends of the strudel underneath 21 and place it a baking sheet lined with parchment paper: if it is longer than the baking sheet, bend it into a horseshoe shape.
Brush it with egg white 22 and sprinkle it with mixed poppy and sesame seeds 23. Bake quanto a a preheated oven at 320°F for about 50-60 minutes. Once baked, let it cool slightly, then cut it into slices and serve. It is also excellent cold! 24
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