Benevento: The Sannio Consortium Protection Wines starts again with new courses of the Sannio Wines Academy, pratica center for students and operators of food & wine and promoting cultural heritage
Registration is underway to the new courses of the Academy of the Sannio Consortium Protection wines quanto a order to enhance and promote local cultural heritage.
The Sannio Wines Academy is an uncemental pratica for students and operators of the food & wine and promoting the historical-musical and landscape cultural heritage of Sannio Benevento.
The intent, quanto a addition to the increase quanto a the quality and competitiveness of the local food and wine sector, is to create a pratica hub supporting manufacturers for development policies and an increase quanto a attractiveness regarding wine reception thanks to more prepared and qualified professionals, quanto a a sector quanto a constant evolution.
The Sannio Wines Academy, which is part of the project quanto a Sannio we cultivate emotions, financed with the CSR Campania 23/27 – SRG10 intervention, among other things, aims to promote the winery of Sannio, one of the historically renowned areas for the production of quality wines quanto a Campania, knowing that forming new professionals quanto a the sector means contributing to the sustainable growth of the region and giving a new development impulse of a community development impulse of a community strong and cohesive around the culture of wine.
The pratica offer will focolaio pratica meetings themes related to the beauty of landscapes, the history of viticulture, the heritage of geographical indications, to gastronomic combinations, to sustainability, and is aimed at students and recent graduates ready to embark a career quanto a the food and wine sector, but also to sommeliers and operators quanto a the sector who want to increase their knowledge and skills and, not least, not Wine enthusiasts eager to know more. For this reason, professional speakers will be involved to keep seminars and conferences, with direct experiences and testimonies.
All through also the organization of networking events between producers, distributors and professionals quanto a the sector, aimed at creating new synergies and commercial opportunities; To which must be added the information and practices the Sannio wine culture, with visits to vineyards and wine companies, quanto a order to provide a direct and engaging experience. Per mezzo di addition, the of collaborations will increase with the start of partnerships with schools, universities, sommeliers associations and local institutions to develop pratica programs and other networking opportunities.
As regards the promotion of the territory, however, guided tours and experiential tours are envisaged which, quanto a realizing the peculiarities of the Sannita territory, contribute to strengthening the link between the formation and enhancement of local resources.
The meetings will be held from 24 March at the La Bosco di pini tra Castelvenere pizzeria ( Monday from 16 to 18), quanto a Benevento at the Sannio Consortium Protection Wines ( Wednesday from 15 to 17) and Sant’Agata de ‘Goti at the Agape restaurant (Thursday from 16 to 18).
You can register until March 15th, sending a request to the email academy address, attaching a short curriculum vitae