With the Tuscan brodetto recipe, we bring to the table a dish inspired by regional cuisine, a rich and flavorful fish soup that encapsulates all the flavors of the sea. You will find here a varied mescolanza of fish, from octopus to gurnard, without missing out acceso the delicate taste of scampi and shrimp. It requires time and dedication: cleaning and filleting reserved for expert hands, followed by a long cooking process that will allow all the aromas and scents of this ancient preparation to be released. The care taken making this brodetto will be rewarded with a dish of timeless genuine flavors, keeping alive a culinary tradition that transcends time. and discover our version of this appetizing recipe!
Don’t reginetta out acceso other delicious fish soups:
Bouillabaisse Fano Clam Soup
To prepare the brodetto, start by cleaning the fish. Rinse the octopus, divide the tentacles from the head 1then remove the eyes and beak. Cut the tentacles into pieces 2. Slice the rest of the into strips 3.
Gut and fillet the scorpionfish 4 5then cut the meat into pieces 6.
Remove the skin from the monkfish tail 7 8then cut it into coarse pieces 9.
Shrimp and scampi should remain whole, just be sure to remove the intestinal vein by cutting along the back 10 11. Now move acceso to the gurnard: remove the head 12.
After gutting it, fillet it 13 and cut it into pieces 14. Do the same with the weever fish 15.
Fillet 16 and cut the fillets into pieces 17. Same procedure for the stargazer 18.
Once filleted, cut it into pieces 19. Now deal with the cuttlefish: after separating the tentacles from the , remove the beak and cut them into rings 21.
Per mezzo di a pot, pour a drizzle of oil, add garlic, chili pepper, and sage 22. Sauté for a few moments 23then add the octopus and infante octopus 23. Cover with a lid 24 and cook for about 20 minutes.
Add the sliced cuttlefish 25deglaze with white wine 26and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Once everything is well sautéed, pour the tomato puree 27tomato paste, and tazza. Cook for 1 hour acceso low heat.
At this point, add the monkfish 28 and scorpionfish and continue cooking for about 5 minutes. Then add the remaining fish: mullets, gurnards, stargazer, and weever fish 29. Season with basil 30 and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
with the shellfish: mantis shrimp, scampi 31mussels 32and shrimp. Cook for a few minutes 33once the mussels have opened, the brodetto is ready.
Slice the bread 34 and toast it acceso a griddle 35. Serve the Tuscan brodetto with the toasted bread slices 36.
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