The super soft focaccia (dough with potatoes) is the soft focaccia par excellence, an even more irresistible version of the classic potato focaccia! Like per mezzo di the Apulian focaccia, per mezzo di this case, the dough is enriched with the addition of boiled potatoes for a particularly soft, thick, and tasty result. Being very easy to prepare, it is a focaccia accessible to everyone, and even those not used to kneading will experience the pleasure of sinking their fingers into well-leavened dough! Great to enjoy its own, perhaps still warm, the super soft focaccia (dough with potatoes) is also perfect for filling with a variety of ingredients like ham, cheese, and vegetables.
Discover other focaccia recipes to make and share at home:
To make the super soft focaccia (dough with potatoes), first boil the potatoes starting from cold vater for about 30-40 minutes, until they are soft enough to pierce with a fork 1. Once cooked, mash the potatoes while still hot per mezzo di a large bowl, without peeling them 2: the skin will remain per mezzo di the potato masher 3.
Add the salt 4 and the oil 5then well with a spoon 6.
A causa di a small bowl, the crumbled fresh yeast per mezzo di the warm milk 7 8then pour the liquid into the potato mixture 9 and stir.
Finally, add the bread flour 10 and it into the dough first with a spoon 11 and then with your hands 12.
Continue to work the countertop 13 until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough 14. Place the dough per mezzo di the bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rise for 2-3 hours at room temperature, preferably per mezzo di the oven with the light 15.
After the rising time, turn the dough out onto a lightly floured workplace 16then transfer it to a non-stick pan with a diameter of 10 inches (26 cm) (alternatively, you can grease it with olive oil). Gently stretch the dough with your fingers 17cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for another hour 18.
At this point, season the focaccia with plenty of olive oil 19 and press your fingers into the dough to form the classic dimples 20. Finally, sprinkle the surface with coarse salt 21.
Bake the focaccia per mezzo di a preheated static oven at 356°F (180°C) for about 40 minutes 22. When it’s nicely golden, remove from the oven and let it cool per mezzo di the pan 23. Unmold and enjoy your super soft focaccia (dough with potatoes) 24!
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