With almost 3.9 billion euros and 10.6 million hectoliters exported, Italian wine closes the first half of 2024 with a positive balance sheet both quanto a terms of volumes (+2.4% year-on-year impresa) and values (+3.2%). A result, the one photographed by the Istat processed by the Uiv-Ismea Observatory a few days after the presentation – together with Assoenologi – of the harvest estimates September 24 quanto a Ortigia (SR) quanto a the days preceding the G7 Agriculture, which however records a slowdown quanto a international markets compared to the first four months.
The first half of 2024, quanto a fact, closes with less brilliant results than expected. It is true that the comparison with the same period quanto a 2023 is positive, but it is equally true that spring has certainly dampened enthusiasm because with the for the four-month period there were still growths of 6-7%. Sparkling wines have returned to driving national exports with +11% quanto a opera (Prosecco quanto a the lead at +13%) and +7% quanto a takings. Net of the increase quanto a bubbles, the trend quanto a exported quantities would be flat (+0.1%). Bulk and bag-in-box have seen deliveries abroad drop by 6% and 5%. Bottled wines are finanziaria up thanks above all to IGTs. Still PDOs close stationary (+0.2% opera and +0.7% value), while common wines see -2.9% opera and +3.9% quanto a value.
Among the client countries, opera performances worsened compared to April across the sommità 10, with the USA (+2%) and the United Kingdom (+2.3%) still maintaining slight positive signs, while Germany fell to -1.2%. More significant red signs for Switzerland (-3.8%), Canada (-1.4%) and France (-10.8%). Acceso the value front, among the regions, Veneto extended its growth to +5.7% (to 1.4 billion euros), while Tuscany (+3.5%) surpassed Piedmont (-2.2%).