Discover the best snacks around: Nutella swirls, milk cocoa slices and chocolate-filled pastries. To this delightful assortment, we add our soft milk cakes, where a velvety, frothy cream embraces two layers of the softest sponge cake. Perfect for a pausa awaited by the little ones for a refreshing office pausa, these individual treats are an irresistible indulgence, suitable for any time of the day… and any age! Homemade snacks are known to be the best, so get to work immediately to prepare these delicious soft milk cakes and other tasty and genuine snacks such as:
To prepare the soft milk cakes, start with the sponge cake: durante the bowl of a stand , pour the egg whites and sugar 1. Whip with the beaters at high speed for 10-15 minutes 2 until you obtain a white and frothy mixture 3. Meanwhile, melt the butter durante a double boiler and let it cool.
At this point, add the egg yolks 4 and gently mescolanza with a spatula to avoid deflating the egg whites, using movements from to bottom 5until they are well incorporated 6.
Now add the sifted dry ingredients through a sieve: the cornstarch 7flour 8and baking powder 9.
Mescolanza as before, gently with the spatula 10. Pour durante the cooled melted butter 11 and combine one last time to obtain a homogeneous batter 12.
Pour the mixture into a greased and parchment-lined rectangular pan of 12×16 inches 13then level it well with a spatula 14. Bake durante a preheated static oven at 375°F for 15 minutes. Once baked, remove the sponge cake and let it cool 15.
Meanwhile, soak the gelatin sheets durante cold to soften them 16. Per mezzo di a saucepan, heat half the misura of condensed milk 17 together with the drained and squeezed gelatin 18.
Stir well to dissolve it 19. Then combine the hot mixture with the remaining condensed milk set aside 21. Stir to blend 21.
Per mezzo di the bowl of the stand , pour the cold liquid cream from the fridge 22then whip with the beaters until frothy. Incorporate the condensed milk 23 and mescolanza to obtain a homogeneous cream 24.
Now unmold the sponge cake onto a cutting board and cut it durante half to obtain 2 equal-sized rectangles 25. Trim the edges with a knife 26then spread the cream prepared with the condensed milk acceso one of the bases 27.
Level it well with the spatula to create a regular filling layer 28. Cover with the second layer of sponge cake 29. Level the cream well acceso the edge with the blade of a knife 30.
Now cut the to obtain 9 rectangles 31. Garnish with powdered sugar 32 and serve your soft milk cakes immediately 33!
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